
The Best Way to Make A Webinar Presentation using SlideAngel Templates

November 17, 2022| admin

Webinars are a crucial tool that businesses are using to communicate with their clients directly, to enlighten and educate, to keep up relationships, and even to establish a brand. They’re also fantastic list-building tools, whether you use them as lead magnets that last forever or as live lead magnets.

Additionally, webinars are a useful tool for online learning, which is crucial in a crisis like the one we’re in right now when people are working from home and seeking out educational opportunities and staying current. A webinar can be conducted effectively utilising presentations because they enable the speaker to tell their story using visual aids and assist the audience in visualising the material being covered.

The processes for developing an excellent webinar presentation, as well as crucial components, are covered in our guide below.

How To Make a High-Converting Webinar Presentation In 7 Easy Steps:

Planning and care must go into creating a presentation. When creating a webinar presentation, you need adhere to certain guidelines to ensure a successful end.

Perform Extensive Research on the Topic of Your Webinar

Define Your Presentation’s Structure

Select a template for a webinar presentation

Select Eye-catching images

Slides to Add a Call to Action

Practice Your Webinar Presentation Beforehand

1. Do Thorough Research on the Topic of Your Webinar

It should go without saying that you should do considerable research on your subject before producing any content, including social media campaigns, landing pages, and webinars.

This is especially true for webinars, which aim to simultaneously disseminate knowledge and encourage conversation. Your leads and sales can improve due to a webinar’s efficacy. It’s advisable to start by concentrating on the characteristics, difficulties, and reasons why your target audience is participating in the webinar.

Set a goal for your presentation now that you have determined who your audience is. What is the major takeaway from this webinar that viewers should keep in mind? Consider the action you want them to take when the webinar is complete as well; the call to action will be covered in a later section.

Do not forget to limit your presentation to a single subject. Use a mind map template to arrange your ideas and make sure the audience understands what you want to say.

2. Specify Your Presentation’s Outline

Structure your presentation before developing the webinar’s material to keep it on course and cover all of your main topics.

It will take longer to finish some points than others, and some may need to be broken down into smaller ones. The development of a deck’s framework will facilitate this procedure. When you share your presentation with your audience, you may use this outline as a content index to serve as markers for the presentation.

In order to know how long the presentation will take and what topics it will cover, attendees prefer an agenda, or a summary of the content that will be addressed. You will decide which concepts require additional specificity when you are developing your outline and which concepts are too general to be included in this presentation.

Working on an outline is much more effective than rushing to put stuff together just to find that it doesn’t make sense as a whole.

3. Select a template for a webinar presentation

Even while every narrative is unique, webinar presentations frequently have similar components. Making copies of the slides as needed will be simpler if you use templates.

The fundamentals of each webinar presentation are:

Corporate identity

Name slide

The slide

The agenda is on the index slide.

Food slides

FAQ slide

Sliding call-to-action

Slide of gratitude

The most adjustment will be required for the middle slides. The remainder may be reused, with a few minor adjustments made for each webcast.

4. Pick Eye-Catching Images

Presentations with a lot of text should be avoided, especially if they will be streamed online. Reading a lot of text will be challenging since participants’ connections will vary in strength, and screens freezing or turning pixelated can also cause problems.

Information transmission will be simpler if you use pictures instead but be selective with your selection. The pictures should be pertinent to the topic of your webinar. Select images that aren’t overly cluttered but still have recognisable components.

To ensure that the text on the slides can still be read when an image serves as the background, utilise the transparency slider. Icons are another form of image that can be used in presentations. They contribute to the context of your message while delivering a lot of information quickly.

To add humour to your presentation, you may also use memes, but be sure to pick the right ones for your subject. Charts are a great tool for communicating data and figures to audiences in a clear and simple manner when presenting information.

Utilizing visuals to the fullest extent is a great technique to increase the impact and retention of your presentation.

5. Include an action slide.

Include a call-to-action slide in your presentation, regardless of whether your webinar is about information exchange, a case study, or product promotion. Calls-to-action can persuade viewers to go to your website, buy something, benefit from a deal, or sign up for another webinar.

Your webinar should inspire participants to continue engaging with your brand rather than being a one-and-done event. Your call-to-action will stand out from the rest of your messaging if you designate a slide for it. Include a compelling call to action in your presentation to encourage audiences to patronise your business again.

6. Check Your Presentation for Errors

Before sending your text to anyone, whether internally or externally, you must proofread it. Typos, grammatical faults, and other flaws provide a bad impression of professionalism. This check may seem simple but failing to perform it could substantially harm your efforts to establish yourself as a thought leader.

Always utilise grammar-checking software when writing articles. As soon as you are finished, read your presentation. After that, give it a day off before making another revision.

If you could share it with someone else, that would be wonderful. It is usually helpful to have fresh eyes look at your content.

7. Practice your presentation before your webinar.

The transmission of the webinar to your audience comes after the presentation’s design, which is just one part of the overall webinar process. Including time for Q&As, you will be given a specific amount of time to finish the webinar presentation. Save your lengthy comments for the Q&A instead.

Practice staring at your audience on the webcam while conducting online webinars. The sightlines are distorted when you gaze at oneself on a screen, which is natural. Use the actual webinar software to run a trial of your presentation to gain more experience with the controls and viewing options.

Whether you share your screen or use presentation mode may have an impact on the quality of your slides, transitions, and animations. Practice will help you work out these issues.

Give attendees a way to contact you if you don’t have a response for a question during the webinar; options include Twitter, LinkedIn, or email.

As much as you can, practise your webinar delivery so that it goes smoothly. Even if you continue to make occasional mistakes, nothing will be lost if you do.

8. Components of The Ideal Webinar Slide Format




graphical aids

Call to action recap (CTA)


Your webinar presentation must have an engaging opening. The title slide can be used for promotions together with the splash screen (also known as the thumbnail) for the on-demand version of your presentation. It will not just be the first thing your audience sees.

To create a compelling and engaging title slide, you’ll need the following:

Keep the title of your presentation simple but intriguing. Use an easy-to-read sans serif typeface.

Subtitle: The subtitle should be styled with italics or bold text and be written in a sans serif font that is the same size as the webinar title.

Never forget to add the logo of your business in any promotional materials it produces. This will make it very clear on your title page who is hosting the webinar. Include their logo on the title slide as well if you’re co-hosting.

Image: To act as the background of your title slide or as an additional design element, pick an appealing and eye-catching image. In our contemporary marketing presentation template, the title is shown on a white rectangle, making it simple for readers to read while also giving the document a polished appearance.


As with any branding for your company, your webinar slides should have a unified colour scheme, font choice, and other design components.

Although brand colours are not required, they should remain constant throughout the presentations. Select two to three complementary colours for your text and use them consistently throughout the presentation. These hues can be used for text boxes, translucent picture overlays, shapes and backdrops, and more.


Your webinar audience is more likely to dissipate the more crowded your presentations are.

For instance, if you make a slide to introduce the webinar speakers, be sure to include each presenter’s name, title, and headshot. Disregard the bios. The slide will only become cluttered if you add these in your script.

An excellent rule of thumb is to use bullet points rather than text if you’re going to discuss the context of the slide in your script.


Put an agenda slide at the front of your webinar presentation. Your audience will better grasp what to expect from your presentation after viewing this slide.

Make this presentation more persuasive by outlining the benefits of attending your webinar straight away. It is more likely that people will keep reading this slide the more engaging it is. Use bullet points and keep the text on the slide brief to keep it simple.


Include a few slides with data about your business or services. Stats can help to make your script stronger and give your message more authority. A compelling approach to display statistics is through infographics.

Let’s now look at some essential components you must not omit from your webinar presentation:


There’s a chance you’ll need to incorporate screenshots in your presentation because we spend so much time on our phones and laptops.

Your webinar design should include slides with screenshots taken from computers and mobile devices. Keep these slides straightforward once more; give the screenshot and a few bulleted explanations.

Graphical aids

Icons, graphs, and charts can improve your webinar. Utilizing photographs is another method to stand out in your presentation. If your company lacks in-house photography, think about purchasing stock photos.


A recap slide is a great approach to conclude your webinar and remind participants of the most important lessons learned.

Key takeaways should be presented on a summary slide. Repeating your key message can help your audience remember it and offer them something to ponder after the webinar.

Call-to-action (CTA) (CTA)

You really need a CTA slide in your webinar presentation design.

Give your audience the choice to join another webinar, try a new product, make a purchase, etc. on this slide to engage them. Make sure your CTA is the last thing viewers see before leaving the webinar and that it actually resonates with them.

Finishing up

To help your audience better grasp your message when producing a webinar presentation, follow these steps:

Do some research on it

Form an outline

Create presentation template designs

Select important images

Develop a call to action.

Edit your presentation.



Categories: slidesangel

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